How MSPs Can Manage Vendor Risk

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), managing vendor risks is a critical aspect of your job. Your clients rely on you to ensure that their IT systems are secure and running smoothly, which means you...

Managing Risks and IP Rights in AI Contracts

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
As artificial intelligence (AI) solutions become increasingly prevalent in modern enterprises, it is vital to manage the risks associated with their implementation and ensure the proper allocation of intellectual property (IP) rights in AI contracts....

Addressing AI Hardware in AI Contracts

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
AI hardware plays a critical role in the deployment and management of AI solutions, providing the necessary processing power for compute-intensive tasks such as deep learning. In AI contracts, it is essential to clearly define...

Understanding AI Tools and Platforms in AI Contracts

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
AI tools and platforms are essential components of AI solutions, providing the software environment for developing, testing, deploying, and managing AI systems. In AI contracts, it is crucial to clearly define these tools and platforms...

Navigating AI Algorithms in AI Contracts

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
AI algorithms are the foundation of AI systems, as they provide the means to train and generate AI models. As such, understanding AI algorithms, their ownership, and their implications in AI contracts is essential for...