Benefits of Forming an LLC or an Asset Protection Trust in Nevada
Many individuals and businesses are considering whether to protect their assets through the formation of an LLC or an Asset Protection Trust. Many people fail to address this need until after liability occurs, and by...
Benefits of Negotiating a Source Code Escrow Agreement in a Software Vendor Contract
Many businesses have software licenses that are tailored to the business’ needs, and are for business operations on a day-to-day basis. But what happens if the software provider goes out of business or discontinues support...
Important Tips for Resolving an SIIA Audit During or Immediately After a BSA Audit
Sometimes a company receives notices of audits from many publishers or trade associations at the same time. Often this is because multiple agencies have received confidential reports from the same informant. If a current or...
Are Artificial-Intelligence Software Audits Around the Corner?
Recent weeks have seen a number of news reports and announcements indicating that the Next Big Thing for audits – financial audits, at least, for the time being – is the use of artificial intelligence technologies to facilitate the...
Identifying and Understanding Microsoft License Verification Audits
Microsoft, like other software publishers, routinely audits customers to help ensure that it is protecting the value of its intellectual property. Microsoft verifies its customers’ compliance using several methods. 1. Microsoft License Verification (also, Software...
Be Wary of Changes in New SPLA Contracts
Companies that have long relationships with Microsoft know that the company’s form licensing agreements have steadily evolved over time, and typically for the worse. If software licensing can be said to have any “natural laws,”...