bsa the software alliance compliance audit

Learn more about our BSA Defense Audit practice

Defended global IT services firm in a BSA audit.  Saul Ewing represented BSA.  Worked with client to produce audit materials and reduce potential exposure. Negotiated a settlement for far less than BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented pediatric home health agency in a BSA audit with Klemchuk Kubasta representing BSA. Reviewed client’s installation data and license information and prepared and submitted audit results to BSA. Negotiated a settlement that took into consideration client’s financial condition.

Defended labeling solutions firm in a BSA audit. The initial settlement demand from the BSA, represented by Klemchuk Kubasta, contained errors. Assisted client with their license review and preparation of audit results. Corrected inaccuracies in the BSA’s demand and negotiated a confidential settlement for a great deal less than the initial settlement demand.

Assisted cell phone repair company in renegotiating the terms of a BSA settlement agreement with Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld LLC, which represented the BSA.

Defended medical practice management firm in a BSA matter involving primarily Microsoft and Adobe software. BSA was represented by Venable LLP.  Because BSA’s initial demand was rife with inaccuracies, supplemental audit materials and corrections were submitted to BSA. The matter resolved confidentially for significantly less than BSA’s original demand.

Represented an aviation maintenance company in its BSA matter.  BSA was represented by Venable LLP.  We assisted our client with gathering hardware deployment data, reconciling deployments to entitlements, and gathering relevant proof of purchase date.  Our client was pleased when it received a letter from the BSA indicating that the information provided was sufficient to establish compliance and the BSA’s audit was concluded.

Represented packing machinery manufacturer in a BSA audit.  Conducted an audit of the client’s network in response to a BSA audit letter from Warner Law Group.  At issue were the alleged number of unlicensed installations of Microsoft Windows and Office.  Reviewed and analyzed entitlement information and submitted audit results to the BSA. Received a demand of less than $8,000 and negotiated a resolution without penalty contingent on execution of compliance certificate.

Small sports promotional company was targeted by the BSA specifically for Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office Enterprise, and Microsoft Windows. Scott & Scott conducted an audit.  Client was unable to locate a license for a very small number of Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office products. The BSA failed to properly apply licenses for Microsoft Office and Adobe Suites, and after extended negotiation, the BSA ultimately accepted a large part of the entitlement information provided. Scott & Scott negotiated a confidential resolution.

Represented a small California IT services firm that received a rare request from the BSA to conduct an internal audit and remediate its software deficiencies without penalty. Once the process was complete, the BSA closed its file on the matter.  Scott & Scott conducted the audit, reviewed existing entitlements, including action pack subscriptions, identified deficiencies and recommended remediation. Once remediation was complete, we submitted results to the BSA and received confirmation the BSA closed its file.

Payment card industry security solutions firm hired Scott & Scott, LLP to defend a Business Software Alliance audit centered on Microsoft products. After months of negotiations the BSA agreed to a significantly reduced settlement demand.  Klemchuk Kubasta represented the BSA.

Freight logistics firm selected Scott & Scott, LLP to defend a Business Software Alliance audit.  Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed installations of Microsoft Office products.  Weir Johnson represented the BSA.  The matter settled for far less than the opening settlement demand.

Fuel station equipment provider hired Scott & Scott, LLP to defend a Business Software Alliance audit.  The BSA, represented by Klemchuk Kubasta, alleged unlicensed installations of Adobe products.  A greatly reduced settlement agreement was negotiated within a month of producing audit results.

Louisiana architectural firm retained Scott & Scott, LLP to defend a Business Software Alliance audit requested by Weir Johnson.  At issue were the numbers of alleged unlicensed installations of Adobe products.  The case settled for significantly less than the BSA’s opening demand.

Defended mobile communications device provider against allegations of copyright infringement by the Warner Law Group on behalf of the BSA.  After accepting audit materials the BSA closed the matter with an Officer’s Certificate.

Defended Mortgage resolution firm in a BSA audit with Troutman Sanders acting on behalf of the BSA.  The matter was resolved within six months after submitting audit materials.  The BSA closed the file with the receipt of an Officer’s Certificate.

Defended full service construction company against allegations of copyright infringement made by Troutman Sanders on behalf of the Business Software Alliance.  Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed installations of different Autodesk and Microsoft products.  The case was settled out-of-court for significantly less than the BSA’s initial settlement demand.

Defended dental technology manufacturing firm against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Upon receipt of the results of a self-audit the case was closed without a monetary penalty.

Defended Geospatial solutions firm against allegations of copyright infringement made by Troutman Sanders on behalf of the Business Software Alliance.  The matter was concluded after a self-audit with the signing of a certificate of compliance.

Represented Ohio technical services firm in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  BSA, represented by Troutman Sanders, alleged there were unlicensed installations of Microsoft Office products. Within three months the matter was settled for considerably less than the BSA’s opening demand.

Defended Florida based legal services firm against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance. Troutman Sanders represented the BSA. After only three months of negotiations the case was settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented engineering and manufacturing company in a Business Software Alliance audit.  Holland & Knight represented the BSA and closed their file upon receipt of the results of a self-audit.

Defended engineering consulting firm against allegations of copyright infringement made by FDK Law on behalf of the Business Software Alliance.  Settlement negotiations lasted a year and half but the matter was eventually closed for considerably less than the BSA’s initial demand.

Represented Washington computer games developer in a Business Software Alliance audit requested by Troutman Sanders.  Upon the conclusion of a self-audit conducted by the developer the BSA closed the matter with a signed certificate of compliance.

Represented Canadian printing firm in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance. Smart & Biggar represented the BSA. At issue were the alleged number of unlicensed intallations of Autodesk, Adobe and Microsoft products. The case settled out-of-court for 40% of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended California based aerospace manufacturing specialist against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance. The BSA, represented by Royer, Cooper, Cohen, Braunfeld, LLC, alleged there were unlicensed installations of Mastercam and Microsoft Office. After five months of negotiations, the cased settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s opening settlement demand.

Represented large California answering service in an audit requested by the Business Software Alliance. After a year of negotiations around the alleged number of unlicensed installations of Adobe, Microsoft and Symantec products, the case settled for a mere 12% of the BSA’s opening settlement demand. The BSA was represented by Klemchuk Kubasta LLP.

Defended California medical device product development company against allegations of copyright infringement. No unlicensed software products were discovered in an internal audit and the Business Software Alliance closed the matter with the submission of audit results and entitlement documentation.

Represented Florida based e-commerce marketing firm in a software audit instigated by the Business Software Alliance. Higer, Lichter & Givner represented the BSA. The case settled for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended international freight shipping company against allegations of copyright infringement. The Business Software Alliance, represented by Troutman Sanders, alleged there were unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office installed. After six months of negotiations, the case settled for considerable savings over the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented New York intellectual property law firm in a Business Software Alliance Audit. Royer, Cooper, Cohen, Braunfeld, LLC represented the BSA. The case settled out-of-court after four months of negotiations which centered on the number of alleged unlicensed installations of software by publisher’s such as Adobe, Microsoft and Symantec. The final settlement amount was considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended East coast designer and manufacturer of electrical control and power distribution systems against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance. The BSA was represented by Klemchuk Kubasta. Within two months of negotiations the case settled for far less than the BSA’s opening settlement demand.

Defended Midwestern call evaluation services firm in a Business Software Alliance audit. FDK Law represented the BSA. After just two months of negotiations the case settled at a significant reduction of the software organization’s opening settlement demand. Adobe and Microsoft products made up the majority of the software installations called into question.

Defended audio and visual staging company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA, represented by Higer, Lichter & Givner, alleged there were numerous copies of unlicensed Adobe, Microsoft, and Symantec software products.  After almost two years the case settled for far less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented turboexpander design and manufacturing company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  FDK Law represented the BSA.  Within a year the case settled for a considerable savings over the BSA’s original settlement demand which had been based on the alleged number of unlicensed software products by publishers such as Adobe, Microsoft and Symantec.

Represented an international animation studio in a Business Alliance software audit.  The BSA was represented by Troutman Sanders.  The number of alleged unlicensed Adobe products was at issue, however, in less than a year the case settled for far less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended electric power equipment provider against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA, represented by FDK Law, alleged there were numerous unlicensed copies of various Adobe and Microsoft Office products.  The case settled for considerable savings over the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended media and broadcast software company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance who alleged there were numerous unlicensed copies of various Adobe and Microsoft products.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA.  The case was settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented a Florida physician’s office in an software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance.  Higer, Lichter & Givner represented the BSA.  After three months of negotiations centered on the alleged number of unlicensed Microsoft Office products, the case settled for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented anodic coding business in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA who alleged that unlicensed copies of Adobe and Microsoft products were in use.  After three months of negotiations, the case closed for significantly less than the BSA’s original settlement demand

Represented New York auto insurance company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld represented the BSA.  The case settled after a year for a considerable savings relative the BSA’s opening settlement demand.

Defended Oklahoma based GPS tracking company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA who alleged there were unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office products in use.  In four months the case settled for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Illinois software development company in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld.  After two months of negotiations centered on the alleged number of unlicensed Microsoft Office products, the case was settled for far less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Ohio based photo booth rental company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged there were unlicensed copies of various Microsoft products in use.  The case was closed within 6 months with zero settlement payment.

Defended Canadian marketing services company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Smart & Biggar represented the BSA.  In less than a year the case was settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Florida based yacht equipment retailer in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA who alleged there were unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products in use.  After six months of negotiations, the case settled for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Texas medical services company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Bailey & Glasser.  After two months of negotiations centered on the alleged number of unlicensed Microsoft products, the case settled for significantly less the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Indiana performance consulting company in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance.  Bailey & Glasser represented the BSA. At issue were the number of alleged unlicensed Microsoft products. The case settled within four months for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Illinois collection firm against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld. The case closed with zero settlement payment.

Represented Florida communication installation firm in a software audit instigated by the Business Software Alliance. Troutman Sanders represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft server products. In less than a year the case was settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented MIssouri auto dealer in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance. Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products. The case was settled out-of-court for a considerable savings over the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Virginia product packing company against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance. Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld represented the BSA. Just after a month of negotiations, the case was settled for a fraction of the BSA’s opening settlement demand.

Represented California medical home care company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance. The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of various Microsoft products. Within a month of negotiations the case settled for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented mid-Western bank in a Business Software Alliance software audit.  Klemchuk Kubasta represented the BSA.  After two months of negotiations centered on the alleged number of unlicensed Microsoft products, the case settled for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended online trophy and awards retailer against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance who alleged unlicensed copies of various Adobe and Microsoft products.  In less than a year the matter was settled for a considerable savings relative to the BSA’s original settement demand.

Represented California marketing services firm in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance.  Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed Adobe products.  The BSA was represented by Klemchuk Kubasta.  The matter settled out-of-court in less than a year for a significant reduction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Texas based banner manufacturer against allegations of copyright infringement from the Business Software Alliance.  Higer, Lichter & Givner represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of various Adobe and Microsoft products.  The case was settled within six months for less than half of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Iowa based telemarketing firm in a Business Software Alliance software audit.  FDK Law represented the BSA.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products.  The case was settled in less than a year for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented specialty LCD mounting hardware company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of Adobe, Microsoft and Autodesk products.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA.  In less than six months the case was settled for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Texas oil rig manufacturer against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office products.  The case settled for far less than the BSA’s original settlement demand in less than a year.

Represented Florida healthcare provider in a Business Software Alliance software audit.  The BSA was represented by Higer Lichter & Givener.  Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed Microsoft products.  The case was settled out-of-court for a significant reduction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended substance abuse rehabilitation center against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Higer Lichter & Givner represented the BSA.  In as little as four months the case was settled out-of-court for significantly less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented automotive services provider in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA.  After only two months of negotiations centered on the alleged number of unlicensed Microsoft products installed, the case settled for a considerable savings relative to the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended clothing manufacturer against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by FDK Law and the case settled out-of-court within four months.

Represented contract specialist for attachment and installation solutions in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance.  Donahue Gallagher Woods represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Adobe and Microsoft Products.  After two and a half years the case was settled for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented print management solutions firm against allegations of copyright infringement from the Business Software Alliance.  Donahue Gallagher Woods represented the BSA.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Adobe products.  The case settled after two and half years for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended vacation rental & resort internet marketing and design expert against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of various Adobe and Microsoft products.  After two years the case was settled for less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented a digital engagement agency in a software audit instituted by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products, including individual Office products, servers and operating systems.  Within a year the case settled for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended online panel and survey technology provider to the global market research industry against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Negotiations centered on the number of licensed copies of individual Microsoft Office products and lasted less than three months.  The case settled for 48% of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented financial industry marketing firm in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance who alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Adobe products, Microsoft Office products, and Microsoft server products such as SQL Server and Windows Sever.  After less than 3 months of negotiations the case was settled for 26% of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended real estate marketing firm against allegations of copyright infringement by the Business Software Alliance.  Donahue Gallagher Woods represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of various Microsoft and Adobe products.  After two years the case was settled out-of-court for a significant reduction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented sales, marketing and technology company in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Higer Lichter & Givner.  Negotiations centered on the number of individual Microsoft Office product licenses.  The case was pending close to two years and settled for far less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended app marketing solutions firm against allegations by the BSA of copyright infringement with respect to the installed number of copies of numerous Microsoft products including Office, Visio, and server products such as Windows Server and SQL Server.  The case was settled within a year for a considerable savings relative to the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented promotional products marketing company in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of various Microsoft and Adobe products.  The case settled in just six months for a great deal less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended marketing firm offering all-in-one sales and marketing solutions against the Business Software Alliance’s allegations of alleged unlicensed copies of various Microsoft products including SQL and Windows server products.  The case settled after a year for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented B2B web media services company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of various Adobe products.  After just six months the case was settled for significantly less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented nationwide insurance company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Donahue Gallagher Woods.  At issue  was the number of licenses for numerous Microsoft products.  The case was settlted after ten months of negotiations for almost half of the BSA’s original settlement demand with no admission of liability.

Defended DFW insurance company against allegations of alleged unlicensed copies of Adobe and Microsoft products by the Business Software Alliance.  Locke Lord represented the BSA.  After a year of negotiations the case was settled for 24% of the BSA’s original demand with no admission of liability.

Represented nationwide full-service title agency in a software audit instituted by the Business Software Alliance.  Pepper Hamilton represented the BSA who alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products.  Negotiations lasted only three weeks and the case settled for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Midwestern insurance company against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged unlicensed copies of various Adobe, Microsoft and Symantec products.  The case was pending for a year and a half and settled for significantly less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented professional insurance licensing service company in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance.  Negotiations centered on the number of alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office.  The case settled in less than a year for a considerable savings relative to the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended mortgage lending company against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Faegre & Benson.   Negotiations centered on allegedly unlicensed copies of Microsoft products.  The case was pending for two years and settled for 46% of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended investment management firm against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  Locke Lord represented the BSA regarding alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft, Symantec and Adobe products.  After two and half years the case settled for 40% of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended mortgage lending company against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  Within a month the matter was closed by the BSA with no settlement payment.

Represented investment brokerage firm in a software audit instituted by the Business Software Alliance.  The dispute centered on alleged unlicensed copies of various Microsoft products, including servers and operating systems. The BSA was represented by Pepper Hamilton.  The case settled in a little over a year for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Las Vegas engineering firm in federal court copyright infringement claim resulting in prompt settlement following a motion to dismiss in the Northern District of California.

Represented DFW area KIA dealer in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance after they received a settlement demand.  The BSA was represented by Thompson & Knight who alleged licensing shortages of numerous Microsoft Office products.  The case was pending for two years and settled for significantly less than the BSA’s original demand.

Defended New England aftermarket auto parts distributor against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The dispute centered on alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft server products.  The BSA was represented by Pepper Hamilton.  The case settled for less than the BSA’s original settlement demand after six months of negotiations.

Represented western U.S. manufacturer of commercial trucks and vehicles in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance after they submitted audit materials and received a settlement demand.  After a year of negotiations focused on alleged unlicensed copies of numerous Microsoft products, the case settled for 11% of the BSA’s original settlement demand with no admission of liability.

Defended Texas Ford dealer against allegations of unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office products by the Business Software Alliance.  After just over one year, the case settled for 35% of the BSA’s original settlement demand with no admission of liability.

Hired by California Daimler Chrysler dealer to represent them in a software audit requested by the Business Software Alliance after they received a settlement demand.  The BSA alleged shortages in various Microsoft product licenses.  The case was settled within a year for a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Michigan Ford dealer against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  In four months the matter was resolved with zero settlement payment.

Defended Texas based public utility technical services firm against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Darin Klemchuk.  The dispute centered around alleged unlicensed copies of Microsoft Office.  The case was pending for fifteen months and settled for considerably less than the Business Software Alliance’s original settlement demand.

Defended legal technology services firm against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  Troutman Sanders represented the BSA.  The negotiations centered around Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows Server licenses.  The case was resolved in eight months with a settlement that was signficantly lower than the BSA’s original demand.

Represented industry leader in quick service restaurant technology against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA was represented by Klemchuk Kubasta and the case was settled in less than a year with zero settlement payment.

Represented Southwestern mortgage company in a software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  The major issue in the audit was the number of Microsoft Office licenses.  The BSA was represented by Locke Lord.  The case was settled in less than a year for considerably less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented online award and plaque retailer in a software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance that focused on Adobe and Microsoft products.  The BSA was represented by Troutman Sanders.  The case settled within a year for a considerable savings relative to the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Dallas, Texas based staffing software maker in Business Software Alliance audit initiated by Stephen Gustavson of Donahue Gallaghere Woods.  The BSA alleged licensing shortages for numerous Adobe and Microsoft products, including Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2008; Microsoft SQL Server 2005; and Microsoft Windows Server 2000 and 2003.  The matter was pending for eighteen months and resulted in a confidential out-of-court settlement.

Represented DFW based leader in property management for the multifamily industry.  The BSA was represented by Donahue Gallagher Woods.  The Business Software Alliance alleged licensing shortages for Microsoft Office, Microsoft Server products, and client access licenses.  After almost three years, the case was settled for far less than the Business Software Alliance’s original settlement demand.

Represented North Carolina based parachute equipment manufacturer against allegations of software piracy by the BSA.  The Business Software Alliance alleged licensing shortages for numerous Microsoft products.  The case was settled in just under two years at a great reduction off the Business Software Alliance’s original settlement demand.

Defended global benefits software developer against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  Adobe Acrobat licenses were the focus of the negotiations.  The case was pending for just under two years and resulted in an out-of-court settlement that was a significant reduction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based real estate agency in software audit requested by the BSA.  The primary products involved were Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows Server client access licenses.  After approximately eighteen months, the case was settled out-of-court for a considerable savings relative to the Business Software Alliance’s original settlement demand.

Defended San Ramon, California based veterinary clinic in a Business Software Alliance audit.  The BSA alleged licensing shortages for numerous Microsoft products.  The matter was pending almost two years and resulted in a settlement that was a fraction of the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Defended Salt Lake City, Utah based mechanical and electrical engineering firm against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance that focused heavily on AutoCAD and Microsoft Office product licenses.  The BSA was represented by Donahue Gallagher Woods.  The matter was pending for fifteen months and settled for 45% of the BSA’s original settlement demand with no admission of liability and no future audit inspections.

Represented Beverly Hills, California based internet technology services company in software audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance that focused on Microsoft Office and Adobe products.  In just over seven months, the case was settled out-of-court after the BSA agreed to greatly reduce its original settlement demand.

Defended Indiana based hardware store chain against allegations of software piracy by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged shortages in various Microsoft product licenses.  The BSA considered extenuating circumstances in the case and after ten months of negotiations, the case was settled out-of-court.

Represented equipment manufacturer in software audit initiated by the Business Software Alliance.  The BSA alleged shortages in Adobe Acrobat and Norton AntiVirus software licenses.  After approximately five months of negotiations, the case was settled out-of-court for a considerable savings relative to the Business Software Alliance’s original demand.  The BSA was represented by Frank Konczakowski.

Represented real estate marketing company in a BSA audit primarily involving Microsoft server licensing.  The BSA was represesnted by Donahue Gallagher Woods.  The case settled for substantially less than the BSA’s original settlement demand.

Represented west Texas oil and gas leader in an audit conducted by the Business Software Alliance resulting a settlement agreement with no admission of liability, a complete release of any compliance claims, and a confidentiality provision preventing the BSA from issuing a press release about its investigation.

Defended over 250 small and medium sized businesses in software audits initiated by the Business Software Alliance.