Do You Need a Microsoft Service Provider License (SPLA)?

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
If your business model involves hosting applications, websites or data, chances are that Microsoft will require you to obtain and follow a SPLA. Businesses that use Microsoft software for internal use only, or where third-party access is anonymous or unauthenticated, do not ......

Hosting Oracle Software Carries Risks

Christopher Barnett  Comments (0)
The software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution-delivery model is becoming more and more widespread. Developers of all kinds of software solutions – products covering everything from office productivity, design, accounting, CRM, business intelligence and more – increasingl......

Is Microsoft Trying to Kill Self-Hosting?

Christopher Barnett  Comments (0)
Earlier this year, with no fanfare (which is perhaps unsurprising), Microsoft implemented a significant change to its Product Terms pertaining to Software Assurance (SA) benefits that likely will have a significant licensing impact for companies that have taken advantage of ......

A Global Definition for Software “Hosting”

Christopher Barnett  Comments (0)
I previously have discussed what "commercial hosting" means when it comes to Microsoft software, but the universe of problems created by the "hosting" ambiguity obviously is bigger than just Microsoft. Almost all software publishers restrict or prohibit - to varying degrees......