MSP Contracts Lawyers
Scott & Scott, LLP’s cloud-based contracts-as-a-service for MSPs solution (“CAAS”) affords MSPs greater protection as ever-changing technology increases cybersecurity and ransomware risks. By integrating the contracts with the quotes within various online quoting tools such as ConnectWise Sell, MSPs can collect e-signatures, enter into click-wrap agreements, and obtain browser wrap consent from clients for the online terms and conditions provided by the firm, thereby collapsing the sales and contracting process into one easy online transaction.
The solution also allows Scott & Scott to push frequent updates to clients without overwriting customizations made on prior versions, greatly reducing the time associated with keeping client documents current.
Contracts-as-a-Service for MSPs
Managed Service Agreements Templates
Scott & Scott, LLP has been focused on representing managed services providers for over 15 years. Our partners have served on the board of the MSP Alliance for over 12 years. We represent SMB, mid-market, and large enterprise managed services providers and have helped many companies make the shift to managed services from break-fix, telecom, and office equipment.
Our Contracts-as-a-Service solution leverages managed services customer contract templates developed during 150 customer contracting engagements, years of advising MSPs, and lessons learned litigating cases on behalf of MSPs. Our menu of hosted managed services contract templates includes:
Master Services Agreement with the following service attachments:
- Managed Services
- Managed VoIP Services
- Managed Surveillance and Access Control
- Security Alarm Monitoring
- Managed Security
- Backup and Disaster Recovery
- Cloud Services
- Description of Services
- Schedule of Third-Party Service Providers
- Service Level Objectives
- Data Processing Agreement
- State Consumer Protection Laws
Managed Service Customer Contract Setup Services
Clients who license managed services contract templates also receive important setup services to customize the agreements to fit their business, make sure that our solution is tightly integrated into their sales process, and that quote and proposal templates are upgraded to leverage our online approach to customer contracting.
Our setup services include the following:
- Requested customization of licensed contract templates within the first 30 days
- Assistance with integrating with online platforms and quoting tools
- Review and approval of quote and proposal templates
- Review and approval of first two customer transactions
- Delivery of hyperlinks for use in quotes and on the web
Maintenance and Support Services
Prior to January of 2022, our lawyers would assist managed services provider clients with their customer contracts by assisting them with the development of template documents to be used by the sales team. Each client would get a customized version of our MSP contract templates developed over years of experience. Customers frequently struggled to manage the contracts and ongoing legal review was time consuming and expensive. Today, representing MSPs in connection with customer contracts requires a different approach, with more frequent review and closer control over revisions to the documents being exercised by our lawyers.
Our clients now receive ongoing and scheduled maintenance and support including the following services:
- Hosting of Web-based terms
- Critical Updates Service (e.g., Kaseya Incident)
- Quarterly Template Review & Update
- E-mail review of initial customer changes
- Access to Scott & Scott’s Privacy & Security Library including written information security policy, breach incident response plan, acceptable use policy, verbal confirmation of electronic transmissions policy, and expanded data processing terms.
See what our clients have to say:
Donald Viar, Managing Partner, EpiOn IT
“Rob has a good understanding of the mergers and acquisitions side in our business’ industry – and he has provided great advice as to what we can do contractually.”
Sanford Gladding, President, ATS
“I’ve been looking for this type of modern language for a long time that would allow us to make changes with a customer on a technical platform without having to make changes on our"
Derek Veillon, President and Managing Partner, IT ArchiTeks
“Would I recommend Scott & Scott to other MSPs? The answer is ‘absolutely yes.”
Matthew Nikravesh, President, Solarus Technologies
“They are looking at it a different’s brilliant.”