Safe Cyber Hygiene Through Managed Services Contracts

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
How do you achieve safe cyber hygiene with your managed services customers. How about your contracts? Managed services contracts are one of several effective ways you can influence your customers to adopt safe and secure cyber hygiene practices (not to mention protect......

Negotiating Public Cloud Agreements

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
Most MSPs use at least one public cloud to deliver their managed services. Increase security, flexibility, and scalability are all features driving more MSPs into the public cloud. But, dealing with public cloud vendors is not without risk. Public cloud agreements can co......

RMM Legal Agreements – What MSPs Need to Know

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
MSP platform vendors have undergone a lot of change in the last few years. The same is true with their partner agreements. But, are these agreements too one-sided and do they put too much risk on the MSP? MSP Zone Guest: Rob Scott, partner at Scott & Scott LLP...

Legal Tips for Dealing with MSP Clients During a Pandemic

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
MSPs are looking for innovative and effective ways to maintain stability during this difficult period. As the pandemic continues to create confusion and lack of certainty, MSPs do have tools available to help them bring calm and stability to their clients. Some of the......

Is It Time to Tear Up Your Master Service Agreement?

Rob Scott  Comments (0)
MSPs have been using contracts for many years to structure and codify their managed services relationships with clients. One of the tools MSPs have been using quite effectively in the last 10-15 years is the master service agreement (MSA). As MSAs have been more frequ......