Ignorance is Not a Defense to Copyright Infringement Claims

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Software publishers, acting alone, or through a proxy such as the Business Software Alliance (“BSA”) or Software & Information Industry Association (“SIIA”), regularly audit customers or potential customers to ensure license compliance and deter against...

Costly Software Audit Mistakes

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BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) are organizations that represent software publishers seeking to enforce the copyrights in the products they publish.  In furtherance of this goal,...

SIIA Audit Timeline

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One of the top ten questions asked by my clients is “How long does the SIIA self-audit process take from start to finish?” Of course I give the standard lawyer answer: it depends. Here are...

Effective Dates in Software Audits are Critically Important

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Businesses that receive software audit demand letters from auditing entities such as the BSA or SIIA, or from software companies like Autodesk or Microsoft, often contend they cleaned up their network after receipt of the...

How to Resolve an SIIA Audit Followed by a BSA Audit

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Sometimes a company receives notices of audits from many publishers or trade associations at the same time. Often this is because multiple agencies have received confidential reports from the same informant. If a current or...

Unpleasant Surprises in BSA & SIIA Software Audits

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Many companies who comply with a demand by a software publisher or industry association (such as the BSA or the SIIA) for an internal software audit end up facing significant settlement demands after forwarding their...